
> The free domain I got by the promo code will be still free?

Yes, but it looks like you already used your free domain registration
on your registration for 30x12.com. Now when you register a domain name,
you would need to pay for it since the free domain reg was already used.
Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

And my Unique IP?My account:
*unlimited* Disk
Used: *46 MB*
*unlimited* BW per Cycle
Used this Cycle: *8.4 MB*
*1* Unique IP.
That's all no change?

Hello ,

That is correct! You do have unlimited disk space and bandwidth on your
account, as well as a free unique IP address.



> When I add a IP to my domain,there shows need pay for it.
> Where is my free unique IP address ?
> Thank you.

I'm sorry if this wasn't clear. It was removed when the promotional code
was removed from your account. THat was part of the promotional code's
features. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


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