My name is Brian Gardner. I was born on December 27th, 1974, at 10:06 in the morning in Bellflower, California. That makes me 32 years old, but please don’t tell anyone. I am starting to get a receding hairline, which is why I shave my head. I’m a hubby, a dad, a son, an in-law, a friend, a small group leader and sometimes a writer.
I’m a homo sapien who blogs.
Although my dear friend Alan Goldstein would disagree about the homo sapien part. Bioengineer Alan Goldstein predicts the end of Darwinian evolution thanks to nanomaterials that will help us skip the intermediate “evolutionary” step of “cyborg” and go straight to “homo technicus”: a creature with so many modifications and containing so many “smart” materials, it will no longer qualify as a homo sapien.
Things I Love…
Spending time with Shelly and Zach, God, Starbucks Coffee, traveling on Royal Caribbean cruises, love, intimacy, romance, friendship, family, writing, listening to music, football, snow skiing, web design, solitude
My favorite movies…
Jerry Maguire, Remember the Titans, The Notebook, Good Will Hunting, A Few Good Men, Serendipity, Hope Floats, Dead Poet’s Society, Sweet Home Alabama, Stealing Home, Dream a Little Dream, The Silence of the Lambs
My favorite music…
Chris Tomlin, Nichole Nordeman, Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, The Sundays, Gin Blossoms, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, Journey, Genesis, Fernando Ortega
Favorite places I’ve been…
Breckenridge, Winter Park, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel, Cancun, Key West