Review Guidelines:
1. You must disclose that the post is a paid post in some way. Here are some ideas: "Sponsored Post:", "The following is a paid review:" "Advertisement:".
2. Reviews must be at least 200 words. Use whatever length you feel is appropriate aside from the minimum of 200 words.
3. You must use the "Link Text" and "Product URL" at least once in your review exactly as it is listed above. Example:
Trance music
4. Submit the actual permanent url where the completed review is located in the field below.
5. Reviews must contain unique content.

第一次用ReviewMe的广告,选择的了音乐的分类,原以为无论写的好与不好至少可以多了解一点世界音乐。Trance music 这个网站充斥着Google提供的广告,介绍了几个DJ,Google了一下Trance这个词是“发呆”的意思,或许国外的网络节目也很不容易做吧。在连接里还是发现了几个不错的网站

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